3 Best Home Loan Top Up Loans In India
Are you in need of funds for medical emergencies? Do you require money for your children’s education? Getting married! Want a loan for your marriage expenses? What??? The personal loan rates are high and you are already paying an home loan EMI? Then Do not worry, your home loan will come to your rescue. Read to find out how.
The home loan mortgage industry offers a facility of top-up loans which helps every home loan borrower to fulfill his additional requirement of funds to meet his various needs at an affordable interest rate. Top up means an additional loan drawn on your existing home loan to meet your variety of professional and personal needs. It is the best loan that can be applied with minimum documentation and attractive rates with fastest approval and disbursement of the desired loan amount. A top-up facility can also be availed with the home loan balance transfer product. Given below are the 3 best top-up loans from the top lenders.
Top 3 Home Loan Top-Up Loans Of The Leading Banks
- ICICI Bank Home Loan Top Up
ICICI Bank home top up loans can be availed for the meeting personal as well as professional needs such as, marriage expenses, home renovations, home alternation and interiors, medical emergencies, school and college fees, business expansion, etc. at attractive interest rates.
- Interest Rate: 6.80% p.a. onwards.
- Processing Fees: 0.50%-1.50% on the loan amount plus applicable GST.
- Loan Tenure: Balance tenure of existing loan or 15 years whichever is higher.
- Maximum Loan Amount: Minimum Rs. 50,000/- and maximum 100% of original loan amount sanctioned.
- Eligibility:
=> Age: 21 years to 70 years.
=> Eligible Profile: Resident salaried & self-employed, NRI.
=> Loan Amount: Maximum 80% of the market value of the property.
- Available for existing and new customers with the home loan balance transfer.
- Can be applied digitally from the comfort of your home.
- Can be applied after 6 months from the loan disbursed.
- Minimal documentation.
- Home loan and top up loan available in the form of overdraft facility.
- Quick processing and faster disbursements.
- Insta top-up loans with pre-approved top up offers.
2. HDFC Bank Home Loan Top Up
HDFC Bank home loan top up is available for all borrowers with an existing home loan, home improvement loan or a home extension loan with minimal documentation and processing fees which can be used for a variety of personal and professional needs..
- Interest Rate: 6.70% p.a. onwards.
- Processing Fees: 0.50% – 1.5% of the loan amount plus applicable GST.
- Loan Tenure: Maximum upto 15 years.
- Maximum Loan Amount: Up-to 50 lakhs.
- Eligibility:
=> Age: 21 years to 70 years.
=> Eligible Profile: Resident salaried & self-employed, NRI.
=> Loan Amount: Maximum 80% of the market value of the property.
- Can be applied after 12 months from the loan disbursed.
- Can be applied online.
- Customized repayment options.
- Available for existing and new customers with the home loan balance transfer.
- Easy documentation.
3. Canara Bank Home Loan Top Up
Canara Bank Home Loan Top Up Loans are available only for their existing customers. Canara bank is one of the leading housing loan providers among the nationalized banks which provides attractive & affordable lowest interest rate along-with flexible repayment tenures. It remains the most preferred choice among the home loan borrowers because it offers home loans for all profiles and CIBIL scores. (Must read- Why CIBIL scores are important in home loans)
- Interest Rate: 6.90% p.a. onwards.
- Processing Fees: 0.50% of loan amount subject to a minimum of Rs.100/- and maximum of Rs.500/-.
- Loan Tenure: For term loan up to 10 years & for overdraft loan up-to 3 years.
- Maximum Loan Amount: 25 Lakhs.
- Eligibility:
=> Age: 18 years to 60 years.
=> Eligible Profile: Resident salaried & self-employed.
=> Loan Amount: Maximum 75% of the market value of the property.
- No login fees required.
- Flat interest rates (as applicable) for any loan amount.
- Available only for the existing customers only after satisfactory repayment track record for at least 1 year.
- Also available in the form of overdraft facility.
Pre-conditions To Apply For A Top Up Loan
The existing borrower as well as the new borrowers must qualify the following condition in order to apply for a top up loan.
- The borrower must have a clear repayment track record.
- The borrower must have an uninterrupted flow of income.
- The borrower must be eligible for a top up loan as per his income and as per the LTV i.e. the market value of the property.
- The borrower must have a clear purpose for applying for a top up. The top up amount cannot be used for illegal or speculative purposes.
- The borrower must have a good credit score.
By Loanfasttrack.
Loanfasttrack is a Mumbai based loan provider company since 2015 offering loan services in Mumbai on– housing loan in Mumbai, mortgage loan in Mumbai, personal loan in Mumbai, business Loan in Mumbai, unsecured business loans,home loan transfer, top-up loans and loan transfers. Loanfasttrack is a direct sales associate with leading banks namely, ICICI Bank, HDFC Ltd, Canara Bank, Citi Bank, Piramal Housing Finance, etc.
Loanfasttrackās specialized services includes providing:
- The best bank for home loan.
- Best Banks For Mortgage Loan In India
- Assured low interest rates for loan against property in Mumbai.
- Lowest home loan rates in Mumbai.
- Instant loan in Mumbai.
- Instant personal loan in Mumbai & business loan in Mumbai
- Low cost home loan balance transfer.
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